Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Too Tired to Think of a Terrific Title (but I get points for alliteration, right?)

It was a flurry of activity at the DG house on both Friday and Tuesday, so much so that practically every time I turned a corner, I ran into some guy working on something.  The most noticeable difference between last week and this week, though, is that there is no longer any furniture in the house.  In order to protect it, most of the furniture was moved out to be stored for the summer.  This will also allow the workers freer access to all the rooms in the house, which in turn will (hopefully) speed things up.  Now, moving the furniture to a different area is just one less thing the guys will have to do every time they need access to a room.

Cold dorm sans beds.

Goodbye and good riddance (if this house mom can say so) white-entryway-tile-that-is-impossible-to-keep-clean-no-matter-how-often-you-mop-it.

The concrete basement floors in the old bedrooms were saw cut to make way for the new bathroom plumbing that will run in those freshly-cut grooves.

Another view of the cut basement floors (and Dane, our temporary site superintendent, who will be on site this week while Tony is on vacay).

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