Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Not Much of a Cook Anyway

Not a whole lot of work is going to be done to our cook Michele's kitchen.  However, since the pantry will extend into the new south addition, several cabinets were removed to make the pathway to the pantry wider.  The kitchenette will be expanded, wrapping around a corner into the mailroom.  Here are some pics of the demo in those areas.  Guess I get to eat out for the rest of the summer!

Upper cabinets were removed (and lower cabinets will be removed) from the big kitchen.

View of the kitchenette from the big kitchen.  There used to be counters, a sink... and a wall there.

View of the kitchenette from the mailroom (near the water cooler).  

The "phone booth" that is no longer used was removed to make room for the bigger kitchenette.

Just another exterior shot of the south wall.  You can see the hole for the basement of the addition.  It's a gorgeous day!


  1. Rose-this is a great idea! I wil pass the website along. You are a great house mom!!!
